Frequently Asked Questions


What is the estimated delivery time?

Confirmed order products are dispatched within 24-48 hours. All the products are transported and delivered through third party courier agency. We try our best to ensure that the product reaches you on time, however, some unexpected challenges may happen occasionally. In such cases we will get in touch with you or you can reach out to us via mail or support number to the latest update on your shipment.

Can I change the delivery address after confirmation of the order?

In cases where you need to change the delivery address of the shipment of the order, you can try adding the new address in your account or get in touch with our support team, and we will update the order to the new address. In cases, where the order has already been dispatched, we cannot change the delivery address. .

How Long Will It Take To Get My Package?

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How Long Will It Take To Get My Package?

Swag slow-carb quinoa VHS typewriter pork belly brunch, paleo single-origin coffee Wes Anderson. Flexitarian Pitchfork forage, literally paleo fap pour-over. Wes Anderson Pinterest YOLO fanny pack meggings, deep v XOXO chambray sustainable slow-carb raw denim church-key fap chillwave Etsy. +1 typewriter kitsch, American Apparel tofu Banksy Vice.


What payment types do you accept?

Payments can be made by credit/debit card, internet banking, or UPI, and orders will only be processed once we receive confirmation from our bank.

Is tax added to my order?

Product prices include taxes. There are no other separate hidden charges.

Is the payment process secure?

Yes. We are committed to making your digital purchases secure. Our products are linked to the product page on Amazon where you can confirm your order and buy. Amazon payment gateway is secure and has special steps in place to ensure confidentiality.

Order & Returns

How can I place a bulk order and is there any discount available?

You can chat with us by clicking on the chat icon on the right handside bottom of your page or you can reach us at, or call us on +919895258311 for further details regarding the quantity and delivery timelines of your bulk order requirements.

Can the product be returned/ replaced?

The shipped products can be returned or replaced only if there is any manufacturing defect. We do not offer any refund. You can shop for a different product that falls within the same price range in such situations.

What should I do if a transaction fails?

Transactions could fail due to multiple reasons:
  • Information passed on to payment gateway is inaccurate, i.e., account details, billing address, password (for net banking).
  • Your Internet connection is disrupted in the process.
  • If your account has been debited after a payment failure, it will be rolled back within seven working days.
  • Can I customize an item?

    We have a wide range of items across different home categories! The breadth and depth of our catalogue will surely help you find the exact item you are looking for. Please note while we could work with you to customize for bulk orders but we do not offer the same on individual items.

    How Can I Return a Product?

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